The Benefits of Nearshore Teams

The Benefits of Nearshore Teams
Company Culture
Digital Transformation

One of the ways in which we at Dura Digital structure our business to best suit our client’s needs is through embracing the nearshore model for delivery of engineering and strategy services. Nearshore, like its similarly-named onshore and offshore counterparts, is loosely defined by how close to the source business any outsourced work is done. While the onshore model restricts all outsourced business to being within one’s own country and offshore takes the outsourced jobs anywhere in the world, nearshore finds a happy medium between the two options to the benefit of our clients. 

Today, Dura Digital’s Customer Engagement centers are based in Edmonton, AB, Canada and Seattle, WA, USA, while our nearshore Management and Delivery centers are headquartered in Montevideo, Uruguay. The Latin American connection with a tech-hub like Uruguay has become in the last few years, provides us with strong funnels into local talent pools, including educational institutions and partners that are investing heavily in areas like Machine Learning, Artificial intelligence, IoT, etc. With a strong engineering culture, the country is fostering a skilled and growing tech ecosystem that we can tap on to the advantage of our clients. You can read more about Uruguay's tech space here: Uruguay’s tech scene nears critical mass (Financial Times, Apr 2021) and Thriving tech scene allows Uruguay to shine during pandemic (Financial Times, Dec 2020).

From Uruguay, we are able to pull from up-and-coming and established experts in various other countries in Latin America, expanding the talent options and services that we can deliver to our clients. The talent pools we draw from include connections to local universities as well as newly recruited tech innovators. These teams are able to effectively collaborate and contribute as they are “closer” to home which effectively reduces time lag and time zone struggles that offshore outsourcing faces. Uruguay as an example, with a time zone of UTC-03:00, has a prime time proximity to our clients in North America.  All our teams and partners work the same “day” of our clients, with only a few hours difference between locations which increases collaboration and efficiency in delivery. Nearshore also allows for significant cost reduction in the work that is outsourced, as other nearby countries can provide required services at lower rates without sacrificing expected high quality outcomes. 

Through nearshore delivery, we can access the best talent and partnerships at reduced costs but with efficient communication, competitive tech advantages, and little time zone disruption. This business strategy allows us to translate the benefits to our clients in significant and sustainable ways that matter to them. To learn more about how Dura Digital can help you with your business and digital transformation needs, contact us today.