Dura Digital From the Inside: How my Background Influenced my Love for Technology

Dura Digital From the Inside: How my Background Influenced my Love for Technology
Company Culture

The following is a post by Xhulia Bratja, consultant at Dura Digital, about her love for technology and helping our clients reach their digital transformation goals. We truly appreciate our team members and we love that they are so committed to be true problem solvers. Learn about career opportunities at Dura Digital today!

Language has always been fascinating to me; I was always bilingual so I knew how to communicate with a broad audience but I always wanted to learn more. When I came to America as a teenager, my English was not at a proficient level but that was the most exciting part for me… it was a new challenge. Despite the language difficulty and the immediacy of heading into school and a whole new life, it felt like a great accomplishment when both my sister and I got accepted into college where we could embrace the career opportunities going to college would open for us. After college I wasn’t certain which industry to work in, so I decided I would experiment until I found one that would continuously challenge me. I was fortunate enough to work in retail, healthcare, hospitality and, finally, tech. While I didn’t fully know what to expect in my first tech position, as time passed I fell in love with what I saw as the “magic” of it. The fascination with how the industry contained a whole new language and better, more effective ways of doing things inspired me, and I enjoyed how projects that could appear small and insignificant were actually life changing. I was hooked! 

I have always been drawn to fast paced roles which demand multi-tasking, where no day is the same as the next: I thrive in that environment. Working in tech felt like home. One of my most significant roles was a Group Manager role in an Artificial Intelligence Acceleration Program with Microsoft. It was challenging, rewarding and confirmed my purpose to go deep into the technology space. I wanted to advance in my career and quickly realized where my talents lay was in communicating and connecting with people so I strived for a more client-facing role. Consulting is an industry that provides direct connections with clients who are searching for efficient solutions to their problems. The tech industry requires people who are able to forge significant and long-lasting relationships and, especially after COVID, there was a void to fill in forging those solid connections overall. By bringing together working in consulting and in the tech industry, I had uncovered an innate talent in myself for making such connections and applying my problem solving skills. So when Dura Digital, a company that prioritizes client relationships and innovative solutions, opened an opportunity for me, I knew that combining tech, management and people skills into a consulting career was the perfect fit for me. I am thrilled to be part of Dura Digital, working alongside clients on projects that require forward-thinking ideas and dedicated people to lead those ideations into efficient solutions. This is the best place for combining my passion for tech with my genuine desire to directly assist people. 

When I reflect back at my life journey and recall the adversity that I had to overcome, I feel extremely proud. My ability to learn and adapt quickly served me well in transitioning through all  the different industry roles and continues to give me the kind of fluid solution-oriented thinking that best assists clients. I can also pinpoint where my love for Artificial Intelligence was born; because I am now multilingual, I know how important it is to find a common “language” that everyone can understand, that can be used globally for the purpose of solving vital problems. And I know that, due to my experience with working with diverse clientele, I am able to sympathize with client struggles. In turn, created in me a desire to forge real connections that allows me to support clients on both professional and human levels. By using these connection methods throughout the years I have created an extremely supportive network that I can go to if I need support and vice versa. Dura Digital is a company that appreciates unique perspectives and strives to expand opportunities and their resources to talent in countries around the world. I am incredibly proud to be part of such an innovative approach and I’m excited to be part of Dura Digital, to guide and support our clients to reach new heights.