Building User-Centric AI Solutions in the Legal Space

Case study
Dura Digital
Dura Digital
Data & AI
AI & Machine Learning
Building User-Centric AI Solutions in the Legal Space

The challenge

The client  partnered with an Ontario-based organization whose goal was to develop an AI-fueled solution that would assist lawyers in completing case law research, following the FILAC (Facts, Issues, Law, Analysis, Conclusions) method. Lawyers historically do a lot of manual research, they are tasked to find cases with citations that work against and for their present case. 

It requires a lot of research time, energy, and organization to manually find and categorize relevant case law, even with digital access to legal libraries. The goal of the AI solution was to assist lawyers in completing this research significantly more effectively by using machine learning to identify the FILAC attributes and providing a method for capturing research history for future reference.

Our client

A globally recognized Canadian applied AI company that partners with organizations to use machine learning to solve problems.

The solution

The solution was designed to be a browser plugin that assists in pulling citations directly from case law to support FILAC, and fully supporting lawyers in case law research by bringing the tool directly into their current workflow. It aids in extracting and bookmarking precisely what is needed from a source. 

Dura Digital’s Latin America-based engineering studio joined our clients  team to complete the front-end development of the solution and prepare for its initial public release. 

Dura Digital collaborated with the product manager to ensure that it would work exactly the way the user required and that the front end would be the perfect bridge to the backend AI model, providing a smooth and efficient user experience.

The results

By leveraging talent throughout North and South America, Dura Digital was able to bring world-class engineering solutions that align with the needs of our client. 

The initial solution is now deployed and a publicly available legal technology product. Like any good product, it continuously evolves based on user and legal professionals' feedback, making legal research increasingly more efficient.


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